Michael Sullivan

Partner / Boston, MA

P   ‭617.573.9400‬

Michael Sullivan is a former United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts, a position he held for eight years.

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Michael is an expert in government investigations, corporate compliance and ethics, fraud, corruption, health care and corporate security, and has extensive policy and regulatory experience.

Since joining the firm following his tenure as a U.S. Attorney, Mr. Sullivan has advised multi-national companies on compliance related matters, including compliance with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), anti-money laundering regulations, Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) and International Traffic in Arms (ITAR) rules and regulations. Most recently, Mr. Sullivan has served as an Independent Ethics and Compliance Expert on behalf of the United Nations. He also recently assisted a United States based national mortgage company during its acquisition due diligence period. He has assisted a global health care company in a review of its segregation of duties related to outside United States financial controls, assisted in the drafting of a global ethics and compliance manual, reviewed a major defense contractors compliance programs, represented a foreign company investigated by the Department of Justice for an alleged violation of FCPA and assisted in the training of attorneys and others responsible for compliance outside United States for a publicly traded United States based company.

During Mr. Sullivan’s time as the presidentially appointed United States Attorney, the District of Massachusetts was a leader in combating fraud against government programs, recovering more than $4 billion—about half of the nation’s total recoveries. Mr. Sullivan also served on the Attorney General’s Advisory Committee, serving as Chair of the Health Care Fraud Working Group.

In addition to serving as U.S. Attorney, in 2006 the President appointed and then nominated Mr. Sullivan Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). As the ATF Director, Mr. Sullivan led the agency’s 5,000 employees who are charged with preventing terrorism, regulating and investigating illegal use and trafficking of firearms, and counterfeit and illegal importation of alcohol and tobacco products.

Mr. Sullivan was Plymouth County District Attorney from 1995 to 2001. He was a leader in the fight against child abuse, domestic violence and elder abuse and closed a number of unsolved murders.

From 1991 to 1995, Mr. Sullivan served in the Massachusetts House of Representatives where he sat on the Education, Local Affairs, Commerce and Labor, Ways and Means and Post Audit and Oversight Committees and concentrated on restoring aid to local communities and education, worker’s compensation, and criminal justice reform.

Before government service, Mr. Sullivan was with the Gillette Company for 16 years, holding a variety of positions including human resource management, quality operations and Assistant to the President.

Mr. Sullivan received his undergraduate degree from Boston College and his Juris Doctor from Suffolk University Law School.

  • United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts
  • Director, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
  • Plymouth County, MA, District Attorney
  • Member, Massachusetts House of Representatives
  • J.D., Suffolk University Law School
  • B.A., Boston College
  • Massachusetts